(1) 基于大量字典的分詞法:主要是將待分析的漢字串與一個很大的“機器詞典”中的詞條進行匹配,若在詞典中找到則匹配成功;該方法易于實現,比較適用于輸入的漢字串
(2) 基于統計信息的分詞法:常用的是N-Gram語言模型,其實就是N-1階Markov(馬爾科夫)模型;在此簡介一下該模型:
對語料庫進行分詞處理 —> 計算二元詞條出現概率(在語料庫的樣本下,用詞條出現的頻率代替) —> 對待分析的漢字串分詞并找出最大連續字符串和第二大連續字符串 —>
利用最大和第二大連續字符串與語料庫的影片名稱匹配 —> 部分匹配則現實拼寫有誤并返回更正的字符串(所以字典很重要)
備注:分詞這里用ICTCLAS Java API
3.1 初始化分詞包并對影片語料庫進行分詞處理
1 public ICTCLAS2011 initWordSegmentation(){ 2 3 ICTCLAS2011 wordSeg = new ICTCLAS2011(); 4 try{ 5 String argu = "F:\\Java\\workspace\\wordProofread"; //set your project path 6 System.out.println("ICTCLAS_Init"); 7 if (ICTCLAS2011.ICTCLAS_Init(argu.getBytes("GB2312"),0) == false) 8 { 9 System.out.println("Init Fail!"); 10 //return null; 11 } 12 13 /* 14 * 設置詞性標注集 15 ID 代表詞性集 16 1 計算所一級標注集 17 0 計算所二級標注集 18 2 北大二級標注集 19 3 北大一級標注集 20 */ 21 wordSeg.ICTCLAS_SetPOSmap(2); 22 23 }catch (Exception ex){ 24 System.out.println("words segmentation initialization failed"); 25 System.exit(-1); 26 } 27 return wordSeg; 28 } 29 30 public boolean wordSegmentate(String argu1,String argu2){ 31 boolean ictclasFileProcess = false; 32 try{ 33 //文件分詞 34 ictclasFileProcess = wordSeg.ICTCLAS_FileProcess(argu1.getBytes("GB2312"), argu2.getBytes("GB2312"), 0); 35 36 //ICTCLAS2011.ICTCLAS_Exit(); 37 38 }catch (Exception ex){ 39 System.out.println("file process segmentation failed"); 40 System.exit(-1); 41 } 42 return ictclasFileProcess; 43 }
3.2 計算詞條(tokens)出現的頻率
1 public Map<String,Integer> calculateTokenCount(String afterWordSegFile){ 2 Map<String,Integer> wordCountMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); 3 File movieInfoFile = new File(afterWordSegFile); 4 BufferedReader movieBR = null; 5 try { 6 movieBR = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(movieInfoFile)); 7 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 8 System.out.println("movie_result.txt file not found"); 9 e.printStackTrace(); 10 } 11 12 String wordsline = null; 13 try { 14 while ((wordsline=movieBR.readLine()) != null){ 15 String[] words = wordsline.trim().split(" "); 16 for (int i=0;i<words.length;i++){ 17 int wordCount = wordCountMap.get(words[i])==null ? 0:wordCountMap.get(words[i]); 18 wordCountMap.put(words[i], wordCount+1); 19 totalTokensCount += 1; 20 21 if (words.length > 1 && i < words.length-1){ 22 StringBuffer wordStrBuf = new StringBuffer(); 23 wordStrBuf.append(words[i]).append(words[i+1]); 24 int wordStrCount = wordCountMap.get(wordStrBuf.toString())==null ? 0:wordCountMap.get(wordStrBuf.toString()); 25 wordCountMap.put(wordStrBuf.toString(), wordStrCount+1); 26 totalTokensCount += 1; 27 } 28 29 } 30 } 31 } catch (IOException e) { 32 System.out.println("read movie_result.txt file failed"); 33 e.printStackTrace(); 34 } 35 36 return wordCountMap; 37 }
3.3 找出待分析字符串中的正確tokens
1 public Map<String,Integer> calculateTokenCount(String afterWordSegFile){
2 Map<String,Integer> wordCountMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
3 File movieInfoFile = new File(afterWordSegFile);
4 BufferedReader movieBR = null;
5 try {
6 movieBR = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(movieInfoFile));
7 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
8 System.out.println("movie_result.txt file not found");
9 e.printStackTrace();
10 }
12 String wordsline = null;
13 try {
14 while ((wordsline=movieBR.readLine()) != null){
15 String[] words = wordsline.trim().split(" ");
16 for (int i=0;i<words.length;i++){
17 int wordCount = wordCountMap.get(words[i])==null ? 0:wordCountMap.get(words[i]);
18 wordCountMap.put(words[i], wordCount+1);
19 totalTokensCount += 1;
21 if (words.length > 1 && i < words.length-1){
22 StringBuffer wordStrBuf = new StringBuffer();
23 wordStrBuf.append(words[i]).append(words[i+1]);
24 int wordStrCount = wordCountMap.get(wordStrBuf.toString())==null ? 0:wordCountMap.get(wordStrBuf.toString());
25 wordCountMap.put(wordStrBuf.toString(), wordStrCount+1);
26 totalTokensCount += 1;
27 }
29 }
30 }
31 } catch (IOException e) {
32 System.out.println("read movie_result.txt file failed");
33 e.printStackTrace();
34 }
36 return wordCountMap;
37 }
3.4 得到最大連續和第二大連續字符串(也可能為單個字符)
1 public String[] getMaxAndSecondMaxSequnce(String[] sInputResult){ 2 List<String> correctTokens = getCorrectTokens(sInputResult); 3 //TODO 4 System.out.println(correctTokens); 5 String[] maxAndSecondMaxSeq = new String[2]; 6 if (correctTokens.size() == 0) return null; 7 else if (correctTokens.size() == 1){ 8 maxAndSecondMaxSeq[0]=correctTokens.get(0); 9 maxAndSecondMaxSeq[1]=correctTokens.get(0); 10 return maxAndSecondMaxSeq; 11 } 12 13 String maxSequence = correctTokens.get(0); 14 String maxSequence2 = correctTokens.get(correctTokens.size()-1); 15 String littleword = ""; 16 for (int i=1;i<correctTokens.size();i++){ 17 //System.out.println(correctTokens); 18 if (correctTokens.get(i).length() > maxSequence.length()){ 19 maxSequence = correctTokens.get(i); 20 } else if (correctTokens.get(i).length() == maxSequence.length()){ 21 22 //select the word with greater probability for single-word 23 if (correctTokens.get(i).length()==1){ 24 if (probBetweenTowTokens(correctTokens.get(i)) > probBetweenTowTokens(maxSequence)) { 25 maxSequence2 = correctTokens.get(i); 26 } 27 } 28 //select words with smaller probability for multi-word, because the smaller has more self information 29 else if (correctTokens.get(i).length()>1){ 30 if (probBetweenTowTokens(correctTokens.get(i)) <= probBetweenTowTokens(maxSequence)) { 31 maxSequence2 = correctTokens.get(i); 32 } 33 } 34 35 } else if (correctTokens.get(i).length() > maxSequence2.length()){ 36 maxSequence2 = correctTokens.get(i); 37 } else if (correctTokens.get(i).length() == maxSequence2.length()){ 38 if (probBetweenTowTokens(correctTokens.get(i)) > probBetweenTowTokens(maxSequence2)){ 39 maxSequence2 = correctTokens.get(i); 40 } 41 } 42 } 43 //TODO 44 System.out.println(maxSequence+" : "+maxSequence2); 45 //delete the sub-word from a string 46 if (maxSequence2.length() == maxSequence.length()){ 47 int maxseqvaluableTokens = maxSequence.length(); 48 int maxseq2valuableTokens = maxSequence2.length(); 49 float min_truncate_prob_a = 0 ; 50 float min_truncate_prob_b = 0; 51 String aword = ""; 52 String bword = ""; 53 for (int i=0;i<correctTokens.size();i++){ 54 float tokenprob = probBetweenTowTokens(correctTokens.get(i)); 55 if ((!maxSequence.equals(correctTokens.get(i))) && maxSequence.contains(correctTokens.get(i))){ 56 if ( tokenprob >= min_truncate_prob_a){ 57 min_truncate_prob_a = tokenprob ; 58 aword = correctTokens.get(i); 59 } 60 } 61 else if ((!maxSequence2.equals(correctTokens.get(i))) && maxSequence2.contains(correctTokens.get(i))){ 62 if (tokenprob >= min_truncate_prob_b){ 63 min_truncate_prob_b = tokenprob; 64 bword = correctTokens.get(i); 65 } 66 } 67 } 68 //TODO 69 System.out.println(aword+" VS "+bword); 70 System.out.println(min_truncate_prob_a+" VS "+min_truncate_prob_b); 71 if (aword.length()>0 && min_truncate_prob_a < min_truncate_prob_b){ 72 maxseqvaluableTokens -= 1 ; 73 littleword = maxSequence.replace(aword,""); 74 }else { 75 maxseq2valuableTokens -= 1 ; 76 String temp = maxSequence2; 77 if (maxSequence.contains(temp.replace(bword, ""))){ 78 littleword = maxSequence2; 79 } 80 else littleword = maxSequence2.replace(bword,""); 81 82 } 83 84 if (maxseqvaluableTokens < maxseq2valuableTokens){ 85 maxSequence = maxSequence2; 86 maxSequence2 = littleword; 87 }else { 88 maxSequence2 = littleword; 89 } 90 91 } 92 maxAndSecondMaxSeq[0] = maxSequence; 93 maxAndSecondMaxSeq[1] = maxSequence2; 94 95 return maxAndSecondMaxSeq ; 96 }
3.5 返回更正列表
1 public List<String> proofreadAndSuggest(String sInput){ 2 //List<String> correctTokens = new ArrayList<String>(); 3 List<String> correctedList = new ArrayList<String>(); 4 List<String> crtTempList = new ArrayList<String>(); 5 6 //TODO 7 Calendar startProcess = Calendar.getInstance(); 8 char[] str2char = sInput.toCharArray(); 9 String[] sInputResult = new String[str2char.length];//cwp.wordSegmentate(sInput); 10 for (int t=0;t<str2char.length;t++){ 11 sInputResult[t] = String.valueOf(str2char[t]); 12 } 13 //String[] sInputResult = cwp.wordSegmentate(sInput); 14 //System.out.println(sInputResult); 15 //float re = probBetweenTowTokens("非","誠"); 16 String[] MaxAndSecondMaxSequnce = getMaxAndSecondMaxSequnce(sInputResult); 17 18 // display errors and suggest correct movie name 19 //System.out.println("hasError="+hasError); 20 if (hasError !=0){ 21 if (MaxAndSecondMaxSequnce.length>1){ 22 String maxSequence = MaxAndSecondMaxSequnce[0]; 23 String maxSequence2 = MaxAndSecondMaxSequnce[1]; 24 for (int j=0;j<movieName.size();j++){ 25 //boolean isThisMovie = false; 26 String movie = movieName.get(j); 27 28 29 //System.out.println("maxseq is "+maxSequence+", maxseq2 is "+maxSequence2); 30 31 //select movie 32 if (maxSequence2.equals("")){ 33 if (movie.contains(maxSequence)) correctedList.add(movie); 34 } 35 else { 36 if (movie.contains(maxSequence) && movie.contains(maxSequence2)){ 37 //correctedList.clear(); 38 crtTempList.add(movie); 39 //correctedList.add(movie); 40 //break; 41 } 42 //else if (movie.contains(maxSequence) || movie.contains(maxSequence2)) correctedList.add(movie); 43 else if (movie.contains(maxSequence)) correctedList.add(movie); 44 } 45 46 } 47 48 if (crtTempList.size()>0){ 49 correctedList.clear(); 50 correctedList.addAll(crtTempList); 51 } 52 53 //TODO 54 if (hasError ==1) System.out.println("No spellig error,Sorry for having no this movie,do you want to get :"+correctedList.toString()+" ?"); 55 //TODO 56 else System.out.println("Spellig error,do you want to get :"+correctedList.toString()+" ?"); 57 } //TODO 58 else System.out.println("there are spellig errors, no anyone correct token in your spelled words,so I can't guess what you want, please check it again"); 59 60 } //TODO 61 else System.out.println("No spelling error"); 62 63 //TODO 64 Calendar endProcess = Calendar.getInstance(); 65 long elapsetime = (endProcess.getTimeInMillis()-startProcess.getTimeInMillis()) ; 66 System.out.println("process work elapsed "+elapsetime+" ms"); 67 ICTCLAS2011.ICTCLAS_Exit(); 68 69 return correctedList ; 70 }
3.6 顯示校對結果
1 public static void main(String[] args) { 2 3 String argu1 = "movie.txt"; //movies name file 4 String argu2 = "movie_result.txt"; //words after segmenting name of all movies 5 6 SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); 7 String startInitTime = sdf.format(new java.util.Date()); 8 System.out.println(startInitTime+" ---start initializing work---"); 9 ChineseWordProofread cwp = new ChineseWordProofread(argu1,argu2); 10 11 String endInitTime = sdf.format(new java.util.Date()); 12 System.out.println(endInitTime+" ---end initializing work---"); 13 14 Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); 15 while(true){ 16 System.out.print("請輸入影片名:"); 17 18 String input = scanner.next(); 19 20 if (input.equals("EXIT")) break; 21 22 cwp.proofreadAndSuggest(input); 23 24 } 25 scanner.close(); 26 }